A Hex On All The Teachers That Said Animals Sleep Through Of Hibernation

(Green Matters) The rumors are true – hibernating species don't actually "sleep" for the entirety of the winter. Instead, they reach a state called torpor, according to National Geographic, in which mammals significantly reduce their metabolisms to almost a full pause for several weeks or months at a time. Many species also reduce their heart rates and their breathing patterns, sometimes going several minutes at a time without taking a breath, and reduce their brain activity, so that it's nearly undetectable.

I'm sure that, growing up, I was taught the same thing as you. Bears and all those other critters eat a ton of food, crawl into a cave and hibernate during the winter. I don't know why this was so imperative that it had to be drilled into our brains for like, 5 years straight, but they taught us that as fact. Turns out it's also not true. They just kinda go into low-power mode. What a letdown. 

Anyway, this was a really fun ep. Francis and Klemmer went at it as always and Marty went through his normal cyclotron of dumb takes. You can catch the full episode below. 

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